Nursing interventions and 30-day hospital readmissions: Scoping Review




Introduction: Chronic diseases impact morbidity and mortality and are associated with frequent use of health services. Nursing interventions can contribute to reducing hospital readmissions.

Objectives: This study aims to map the literature on nursing interventions and their impact on 30-day hospital readmissions.

Methodology: A scoping review was conducted according to the Joanna Briggs Institute model, with the research question supported by the acronym PCC - population: adults readmitted within 30 days; concept: nursing care; context: hospital. Scielo, EBSCOhost, PubMED, and Web of Science were the databases used for the search, including articles published between 2019 and 2023, in Portuguese and English. The relevance of the studies, data extraction, and synthesis were performed by two independent blind reviewers.

Results: Of the 125 articles identified, 11 were included in the review. Nursing interventions were found for disease self-management, care transition, home hospitalization, and the bell test as a predictor of readmissions. Telehealth and case management were also utilized strategies. The interventions had an impact on reducing hospital readmissions, emergency visits, mortality, costs, and improving quality of life.

Conclusion: Nursing interventions reduce 30-day hospital readmissions.


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