

  • Germano Couto
  • Adérito Seixas
  • José Cabeda
  • Pedro Pestana


It is with great pleasure that we introduce the first edition of the Athena Health & Research Journal, which seeks to share scientific knowledge in the field of Health Sciences. Our goal is to advance sci- entific progress through meticulous and pertinent publications.

Athena Health & Research Journal maintains the belief that scientific knowledge production should not be driven by commercial interests, despite its potential role in commercial development. As such, we have adopted an editorial mission that prioritizes non-profit objectives. Thanks to the support of the Fernando Pessoa “Teaching and Culture” Foundation, we have implemented a doubly Open Ac- cess editorial model that is accessible to both readers and authors free of charge. This path is con- sidered to be the most suitable for serving the interests of the scientific community and promoting scientific progress.

In the era of information and innovation, it is essential to be at the forefront of educational and scientific development in the field of health. The academic and scientific community is instrumental in this process by conducting original research that addresses the needs of individuals, families, and communities, while also advancing science as a whole.

The Athena Health & Research Journal aims to serve as a hub for disseminating emerging research and scientific developments, promoting continuous learning and progress in the field of Health Sci- ences. Our commitment is to foster excellence and innovation, driving discoveries that positively impact society as a whole.

This publication aims to disseminate knowledge and foster new ideas and collaborations that will shape the future of Health Sciences.

We welcome you to our scientific community. The Editorial Board

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29-04-2024 — Updated on 13-06-2024